
Customised AV for semen collection from Stallions

Technology detail:
The currently available Artificial Vaginas (AV) for semen collection in stallions are being imported from other countries and they are expensive. These AVs are not equipped with temperature monitoring. The maintenance of optimum temperature in AV is very much critical for successful collection of semen from stallions. Low temperature of AV causes failure to donate the semen as they will fail to exert thrust and stallions do take more time for donating the semen. If proper temperature is not maintained in AV, the stallions fail to donate the semen, if donates also the sperm concentration will be low. If the temperature is high, then it will cause the lysis and death of spermatozoa and stallions will develop a psychological fear to donate the semen in future. In this direction, to address these issues in the existing AV, scientists at EPC, NRCE have designed, assembled, and developed inexpensive hand-made AV from locally available, easily obtainable, and cheaper materials and is suitable for collecting the semen from indigenous stallions. This AV is very cheap and can be indigenously designed with the cheaply available material.